
Apr 19, 2024

Upcoming Alaska TTAP Webinars

The Alaska Tribal Technical Assistance Program has 2 webinars coming soon.

1) On May 13, 2024 at 1 pm the AKTTAP will be presenting a webinar on Tribal Transportation Improvement Programs. Miles Brookes of the FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation will be presenting.

Title: Putting your transportation plans into action: Tribal Transportation Improvement Programs (TTIP)

The purpose of transportation planning is to address current and future transportation, land use, economic development, traffic demand, public safety, health, and social needs. A Tribal government performs transportation planning to analyze existing and future transportation facilities serving the Tribal community under changing conditions to make informed investment decisions.  Planning can be done for both the short and long term. The TTIP is the Tribe’s short term (less than 4 years) strategy of programs and projects which are eligible for TTP funding.  Tribal governments administering the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) develop their TTIP through an analysis of long-range planning outcomes, results of public involvement activities, and the availability of financial resources.  

Join the Alaska Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) for a webinar session covering the importance of the TTIP including:

  • What a TTIP is and isn’t;
  • How TTIPs relate to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI); and
  • How and when a TTIP should be rewritten and/or amended. 

Please join us at on May 13 at 1 pm.


On May 23, 2024 at 1 pm the AKTTAP will be presenting part 2 of the dust management webinar by Billy Connor, Director of the Arctic Infrastructure Development Center at UAF. T

Title: Reducing Dust on Your Roads and Streets: Water to Paving Part 2

We all curse dust from our roadways. It obscures our vision and makes breathing more difficult. In addition, dust has long term health impacts while increasing the costs of maintaining the road. This two-part webinar will focus on options for reducing dust on roadways. Part 2 is aimed at roads with higher traffic volumes and higher speeds. This will include a discussion of when to pave and paving options. Part 2 will also discuss additional requirements for roadway maintenance. Part 1 was presented on April 17, 2024 and is available online at


Please join us at on May 23 at 1 pm.