Knowledge Transfer Needs and Methods

AIDC project number: 510009


Dr. Robert Perkins


Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT)

  • Start Date: Jun 1, 2011
  • End Date: Dec 31, 2012

Project Summary

The State of Alaska has an aging workforce. There is a paucity of workers in the 25 to 45 year age group. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AKDOT & PF) has almost one third of its workforce eligible to retire within five years. In earlier research we examined this problem with respect to recruitment, retention, and succession planning. This project will focus on issues related to knowledge transfer, the passing of knowledge from more experienced employees to newer employees, especially in the engineering and technical areas. Both the state and the AKDOT&PF are well aware of the employment demographics and knowledge transfer issues. These are indeed problems nationwide problems and in developed countries worldwide. Here we propose to review the knowledge transfer needs of the AKDOT&PF, the current practices with respect to the many tools available, and meet with AKDOT&PF managers and professionals in focus groups to determine which tools are likely to be effective in enhancing knowledge transfer. We plan to identify barriers to knowledge transfer, such as managers' reluctance, corporate culture, and history. Following reviews, this project will present recommendations to the AKDOT&PF with tools that can be implemented to enhance knowledge transfer.